© 2006 - 2025 Word of Life World Outreach
America, the Body of Christ
and the ‘Angel of Israel’
by Mike Thompson
There are strange occurrences in the heavenlies, and much of the spiritual activity is contention over America, the Body of Christ and the Mid-East. I'm sure many of you feel the warfare in the atmosphere.
As a prophet and lover of Christ, I'd like to impart some wisdom, as well as instructions from the Lord for His people.
During my prayer time while navigating the heavenlies, the Lord shared things with me that are important to His heart. This includes the Body of Christ's responsibility to pray for Israel with 3rd heaven authority.
Sometimes believers are unsure of how to pray for Israel, because of the constant tension in the Mid-East. It has been ongoing for generations. In fact, you can trace it back to Abraham's sons, Ishmael and Isaac.
The Modern-Day Connection
with Ishmael & Isaac
I believe "Ishmael" has never stopped warring against "Isaac." To this very day! The problem is, the land of Israel was promised to Isaac, not Ishmael.
Isaac was the “SON OF PROMISE,” the son of the “free woman.” Ishmael was the son of a servant, symbolic of circumventing God’s promise and attempting to force a thing by the arm of the flesh. Galatians 4:22-26
(In the Body of Christ today, the “Ishmael” church and the “Isaac” church are still at odds. Ishmael embraces legalism, and bullies Isaac. But that’s a sermon for another time…)
The point is, this Covenant promise was given to Isaac by God. And it is still non-negotiable.
But Ishmael's descendents still torment Isaac's descendents, demanding what they believe is rightfully theirs. Modern-day Palestinians don't want their own homeland anywhere else. They want Isaac's homeland, Israel. And they want to obliterate Isaac.
The roots of this warfare run incredibly deep. Ishmael has no desire to negotiate peace. Iran has made it abundantly clear that it would love to wipe Israel off the map.
America Must Stand with Israel!
Why is it so vital for America to stand with Israel? God told Abraham, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed." Gen.12:3
The Lord Jesus himself is the fulfillment of that promise. And even though Israel initially rejected Jesus as Messiah, God will still keep His Word. He will revisit Israel with mighty Revival at the end of the Church Age.
Paul specifically said, "Israel shall be saved," calling her "beloved for the sake of the forefathers." He also warned Gentiles not to be ignorant of this mystery. Romans 11
God still blesses those who bless Abraham, that is, Israel. As long as America stands with Israel, America is blessed!
It's a privilege to pray for Israel and America.
So HOW Do We Pray for Israel
& America, in Line with God's Will?
A good place to start is the Lord's Prayer: "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." Matt.6:10
As Heaven's representatives, we don't have the luxury of taking on the world's culture. We ought not gripe, murmur against or badmouth America. God's Word says, "PRAY for those in authority." I Tim.2:2 (Legitimate authority, not gained by fraud or robbery.)
The next step is found in Romans 8:26: "Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."
Right now, people around the world are suffering for their faith. Terrorism is a very real threat, especially to Israel and America.
The Lord says, "Fear not." The Holy Spirit is pushing against the barriers and all the opposing forces in the world today.
When the Holy Spirit comes up against 1. spiritual darkness or 2. the limitations of our own flesh, He actually GROANS THROUGH US to change the circumstances.
This "groaning in the Spirit" is a combination of two powerful forces: It's a strong sense of grief about the events, which pushes back against the circumstances with tremendous spiritual power.
It's also a LIFE-GIVING TRAVAIL as in CHILDBIRTH. Creative power is released through us -- by the Holy Spirit -- into these situations. So even if it feels grievous at the time, we are "more than conquerors." Romans 8
It's good to remember 1 Peter 5:8-9: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world."
Here's a Summary of
What I Heard in the Spirit:
"Michael the Archangel will do his job of protecting Israel. He's not only a warrior angel; Michael is the Angel of Israel.
"Pray for Israel. At the same time, pray for the great Revival which is about to be released upon the United States. Use your 3rd Heaven authority against the devil.
"Pray in tongues (3rd Heaven languages) and pray in Jesus' name.
"In so doing, you will empower Michael and his angels to defeat and destroy the devil's strategies in the earth at this time."
What a powerful word! Please allow me to exhort: Don't use the power of your words to murmur or curse America. Pray in tongues! Be a radical intercessor for souls!
The Lord and His angels need the sons of God to line up their mouths with God's Word.
Remember who you are and to Whom you belong!
Keep in mind, as believers in Yeshua Ha Mashiah, we are also spiritual Israel.
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
To read more about my own experiences with Michael the 'angel of Israel,'
click to read The Coming Move of God in the United States and
Angelic Intervention for America & Israel.
Blessings! I hope this encourages you!
© 2014 Mike Thompson Ministries
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